Do you remember playing with toys as a kid? Watch-
ing childhood TV shows that made you laugh? Or the
simple joy of having no worries except choosing your
favorite color? Being a kid was all about being yourself
and having fun, without stress or worry.
As we grow up, we develop new traits and face re-
sponsibilities—balancing work, well-being, and the
pressure of figuring life out. In the process, we might
forget where it all started and overlook the inner child
within us, waiting to be rediscovered.These sculptures
are designed to awaken that inner child. Inspired by the
toys and memories that linger in our minds, my work
aims to reconnect you with your past, reminding you of
the universal experiences that unite us all, even as we
each follow our unique paths.
Each sculpture is crafted from once-cherished toys,
combined with wood and retro TVs. I invite you to ex-
plore ‘Memory Lane’ and rediscover the moments that
made your childhood special. Take a step back from
this chaotic world, and remember—it’s okay to be your
true self.